I Am Homeless – Aren’t We All?

When my parents took possession of a vandalised house in the 1970’s, they took out a mortgage which immediately put them under enormous strain as interest rates soared in those early years of becoming homeowners. The promises of low interest rates soon had them under the spell of Margaret Thatcher. Of course, possession is only nine-tenths of the law, as is famously cited, and my parents still fail to realise they don’t actually own the building they call home. The £20,000 price tag attached to the house on the date of sale covered the land, the materials and the labour used to put the structure together and was all paid for before my parents even arrived on the scene, so why did my poor old Mum and Dad have to slave away for 25 years and pay over £500,000 to the bank before they were released from the burden of indebtedness? The fact they still don’t actually own the house they live in is an irony that still manages to escape them, the bank still holds the deeds, the Crown ultimately, still holds the title. The deeds were repackaged and resold numerous times meaning that literally tens of millions of pounds were made off the back of my parent’s signatures, their naivety, their willingness to work tirelessly, their failure to ask questions and their choice (though they may not have realised it) to support the usury system. If the government or the banks ever wished to repossess the house, there are methods they could employ to ensure they retained control of this tiny estate, as has been seen many thousands of times around the country over the last few hundred years. Look at the many eco-constructions here and around the world that have been demolished by departments who have managed to claim authority.  Who can resist the determination of a criminal government backed up by a corrupt judiciary and an armed police force?

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